BGM Tools Journey Map

I used to run granite and stone business where stone cutting blades are extensively used. I had to face multiple issues with blade because of it’s poor build quality. There were major breakdown of blades and better quality blades where less available in the market during those days.
So in 2010 I came up with a solution for the issues which I went through personally. So I decided to start my own industry to manufacture the cutting blades and segments. Keeping this in mind I started a survey to manufacture the best in quality blades.
I visited China in the year 2010 to work on my survey. I personally visited most of the tool manufacturing factories in China to get a proper knowledge about the blades.
BGM tools office
I continued my R&D in India from 2012-14. I could explore feasibility of blades production at a very low price.
By the year 2014 I was able to get the best results using my survey and I went on to establish BGM Tools. I believe in On time service – All time available
In the year 2015 we launched wood cutting and metal cutting blades as we started to get many queries and requirements from our customers.
Now BGM tools is one of the famous blades and segment manufacturing brand in India.